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Dan Powers

Monica Lear named Station Director for the USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station

Dec. 13, 2019 – The USDA Forest Service has chosen Dr. Monica Lear to champion science, diversity, and a positive work environment in her new role as the permane

Dr. Monica Lear

nt Station Director of the Rocky Mountain Research Station. Monica has served as the Acting Station Director since July of this year.

Upon hearing the announcement of her selection, Monica stated, “I’m looking forward to channeling my energy for integrating science into all aspects of the Forest Service organization. The work we do here at Rocky Mountain Research Station improves lives and landscapes and has the potential to impact resource management at local, regional, and global scales.”

"Monica brings excellent credentials to this position," said Dr. Alexander Friend, Deputy Chief for Research and Development. "We are confident in her ability to integrate

science and deliver the mission of the Agency."

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