Dr. Ariel Stein, Acting Director, Global Monitoring Laboratory and Director, Air Resources Laboratory at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Boulder testified on June 23 to the combined House Subcommittee on Research and Technology and House Subcommittee on the Environment regarding Federal programs focused on monitoring, measuring, and verifying sources (emissions to the atmosphere) and sinks (removal from the atmosphere) of greenhouse gases (GHGs).

Chairwoman Rep. Haley Stevens said "...to be global leaders, we need accurate and consistent greenhouse gas data. And that is where our Federal science agencies come in. Many of our agencies, including those represented by the experts before us today, are engaged in tremendous research and development work to improve our measurements of greenhouse gas emissions. This work spans the whole
range of greenhouse gas measurement activities from fundamental measurement science and technology development, to operation of space-based, airborne, and ground-based sensors and observation platforms, to maintaining greenhouse gas emissions inventories.
"These agencies do not do this work in a vacuum. Each of the agencies represented here today cooperate on vital interagency work to improve greenhouse gas measurement, both on individual projects and as part of an interagency working group. This cooperation is essential to the success of our greenhouse gas measurements. So much can be accomplished when our federal science agencies leverage their respective expertise in support of a common goal. I’m looking forward to hearing more about this work from our witnesses today and to discussing what we here in Congress can do to support and improve these programs. Read more and watch the hearing>>>>