Does your organization have plastic waste or manage plastics materials? CO-LABS invites you to a tour at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, CO with a focus on the technologies of the BOTTLE Consortium.

The Bio-Optimized Technologies to keep Thermoplastics out of Landfills and the Environment (BOTTLE™) consortium is led by the U.S. Department of Energy's Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies Office and Bioenergy Technologies Office.
Date: Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Time: 8:30 am - 10:00 pm
Location: Golden, CO
Cost: free for CO-LABS members and guests
This tour is limited to 14 people, RSVP today!
Registered guests will get a separate calendate invite with further details.
There is a critical need for new technology on plastics recycling and upcycling. The BOTTLE consortium was formed to spur innovation in early-stage R&D to incentivize waste plastics reclamation and "close the loop" on plastics recycling. The consortium seeks to work with companies and other research organizations to combine talents and capabilities from the public and private sectors.
BOTTLE efforts include the development of improved catalytic and biocatalytic recycling strategies to break down today's plastics into chemical building blocks for manufacturing circular polymers and designing tomorrow's plastics to be recyclable-by-design.
The BOTTLE R&D portfolio is guided by techno-economic analysis and supply chain-based life cycle assessment. The consortium's integrated science framework has three research tasks—Deconstruction, Building Blocks, and Redesign—bolstered by three crosscutting tasks—Analysis, Characterization, and Modeling.
BOTTLE is led by experts from multiple partner national laboratories and universities with demonstrated experience in process development and integration, chemical catalysis, biocatalysis, material science, separations, modeling, economic analysis, and sustainability assessment.
Who should attend:
Manufacturers with plastics components and waste management responsibilities
Chemists, molecular biologists and physicists with interests in plastics recycling
Energy and Environmental Policy leaders focused on upcycling and waste diversion technologies
Researchers from academic, NGO and private sector organizations with plastic waste reduction goals

Attendees will learn how BOTTLE partners leverage academic and laboratory technologies and engage in collaborative projects with a high probability of producing IP, which is exclusively available to the partner supporting that project.
We'll hear about NREL's strategic programs from Peter F. Green, Deputy Laboratory Director for Science and Technology and Chief Research Officer for NREL. and Katrina Knauer, Chief Technology Officer of the BOTTLE Consortium.
You will also learn about the benefits of being a consortium partner:
Direct your funding to guide and design the research projects you choose, to solve the problems you care most about, with no membership fees
Receive first option to an exclusive license for subject inventions developed during your projects
Access world-class national laboratory and university researchers and facilities through streamlined and transparent contracting mechanisms
Showcase your organization’s commitment to sustainability issues to your stakeholders
Leverage substantial DOE funding to identify and advance core scientific research and support robust intellectual property (IP) and subject invention development.