2022 Accomplishments Report
Headquartered in Fort Collins, Colorado, the mission of the National Wildlife Research Center (NWRC) is to apply scientific expertise to resolve human-wildlife conflicts while maintaining the quality of the environment shared with wildlife. The NWRC) is the research unit of the USDA-APHIS Wildlife Services program. Scientists and support staff are dedicated to finding solutions to challenging wildlife damage management problems related to agriculture, natural resources, property, and human health and safety.
Human-wildlife conflicts, wildlife damage, nuisance and pest animals, wildlife disease, invasive species, overabundant wildlife, and overall ecosystem health are just some of the topics studied by researchers at the National Wildlife Research Center.
The 2022 Accomplishments annual report highlights recent wildlife damage management research findings on a variety of topics. It also includes more in-depth summaries of our research related to:
SARS-CoV-2 Research in Wildlife
Wildlife Tissue and Serum Archives
Wildlife Forensics
The NWRC develops methods and information to address human-wildlife conflicts related to the following:
• agriculture (crops, livestock, aquaculture, and timber)
• human health and safety (wildlife disease, aviation)
• property damage
• invasive species
• threatened and endangered species
Download the 2022 Innovative Solutions to Human-Wildlife Conflicts - Accomplishments Report.