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CO-LABS champions the brilliant scientific discoveries of Colorado's 30+ federally-funded research labs and institutes. 

Topics shaping the CO_LABS network and the manifestation of science for society


Artificial intelligence and big data/surveillance tech - algorithms will know us better than we know ourselves = health prompts, relevant ads, insight to psychological attributes 


Threat reports

Water shortage borne of climate change

Pace of IoT, robotics automation, AI = rise of "useless" class of people.

Biosecurity - GMOs vs lab grown meat

2 global internets (5G; censorship, truth/facts/info)

People pay to be invisible/limit info



TRUTH = Need for science


The nature of work in federal labs - comparing 2000 with 2020; 2030 predictions ask lab Directors 


Report on top industries/jobs and federal lab connections


Ensuring the funding of scientific research and discovery in Colorado because of our activities and advocacy. 


Ensuring the value of research is recognized and scientific discoveries continue to make our world a better place





CO-LABS educates the public, businesses, educational organizations, and government entities about the value of the federally funded laboratories, creates connections between these sectors, and supports retention and expansion of Colorado's scientific resources.

Advancing Colorado's global competitiveness through an interactive, widely supported community of federally funded laboratories, universities, and business.

The CO-LABS consortium includes Colorado federal research laboratories, research universities, state and local governments, economic development organizations, private businesses and nonprofit organizations.   It conducts economic analysis, encourages technology collaboration and provides education programming.   Colorado’s research laboratories are often called upon to solve state, national, and global issues.  CO-LABS plays an important role in bringing together the collective research and development expertise from Colorado.

CO-LABS Activities
We collect and analyze data to understand the scientific and economic value of federally-funded research labs in Colorado.  According to a study completed in 2016 by the CU-Boulder Leeds School of Business for CO-LABS, federal labs in Colorado together with their affiliates contributed $2.6 billion to the state economy in fiscal years 2014-2015 and accounted for more than 17,000 direct and indirect jobs. READ MORE>>>
We inform the public about what the federal labs do and their scientific and economic value to Colorado.  We promote the work of those federal research labs in COlorado and provide information about technology transfer, testing facilities and scientific specializations. Read what people say about our tours>>>
Facilitates interactions between Colorado’s federal labs, universities, and its businesses to enhance the potential for new partnerships, technology transfer, and job creation. See our lab tour schedule>>>
We Host the annual Governor’s High-Impact Research Awards celebration to recognize the global research impact  of Colorado-based federal scientists. See the most recent winners>>>



Established in 2007, CO-LABS is a tax exempt 501c3 that relies on donations from its partners and the public to fund its activities.  To find out more about becoming a CO-LABS partner contact Executive Director Dan Powers at 720-389-0455 or



CO-LABS Promote Educate Connect log
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