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Dan Powers

COVIDCheck Colorado Overview Webinar Thursday, Oct. 29

Updated: Oct 29, 2020

CO-LABS is hosting a conversation with COVIDCheck Colorado - learn about the options they provide for COVID-19 testing in Colorado for businesses, government agencies, schools and related non-residential organizations.

Zoom Webinar: FREE, audience will not be on-screen.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

1:30 - 2:00 pm

UPDATE - WATCH THE VIDEO of the conversation:

In collaboration with a variety of public health leaders and partners, COVIDCheck Colorado provides employers a comprehensive approach to fast, accurate and affordable COVID-19 testing, symptom tracking and contact tracing tools as a key component of their health and safety plans to reopen.

COVIDCheck Colorado provides an integrated platform where employees can sign up for a regularly scheduled appointment to get tested for COVID-19 at a designated site and receive rapid results. Those who test positive for COVID-19 will receive a phone call from a telehealth provider who will offer support and guidance on self-isolation. As required by law, all positive cases will be reported to local public health agencies and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. Those who have been exposed to the virus will be notified in accordance with the state’s contact tracing protocol and health privacy practices.

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