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Dan Powers

FIRE-BIRD Tool and More: Forest Service's Rocky Mountain Research Station Webinars

The U.S. Dept of Agriculture (USDA) Forest service Rocky Mountain Research Station has several upcoming webinars to teach about topics such as restoration with native plants, wildland fire mitigation, vulnerability of southwestern landscapes to climate change, riparian ecosystem dynamics, public engagement protocols and more. All webinars are free and you can chat with the researchers directly.

Example: on May 21, 2020 at 10am MT as RMRS researchers Vicki Saab and Todd Cross discuss FIRE-BIRD, an ArcGIS spatial tool for applying habitat suitability models for woodpecker species of concern to generate maps that inform forest management planning.

FIRE-BIRD was developed to help managers make the best decisions for maintaining habitat of key wildlife species, while still allowing economic benefits to local communities. Habitat suitability models can inform forest management for wildlife species of conservation concern. Models quantify relationships between known species locations and environmental attributes, which are used to identify areas most likely to support species of concern. Managers can then limit negative human impacts in areas of high suitability or conduct habitat improvements in areas of marginal suitability. RMRS researchers developed FIRE-BIRD, an ArcGIS toolbox, to map habitat suitability for woodpeckers of conservation concern to help inform locations for management activities in predominantly dry coniferous forests of the Inland Northwest and Northern Sierras.

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