For the first time, the Federal Laboratory Consortium National Meeting Program Committee would like to invite YOU to suggest topics you'd like to see discussed at the next National Meeting, which is scheduled for April 6 - 8, 2021.

The FLC National Meeting Program Committee is looking for topics that are educational, timely and appeal to a wide range of audiences. Deadline to submit is December 21, 2020.
Feel free to suggest topics for plenary sessions, training workshops, panel discussions, demonstrations, point-counterpoint debates, or something else we might not have thought of. Speaker suggestions are optional. But if you do want to suggest a speaker (or speakers) to go with your topic, please be prepared to provide their affiliation and contact information on the submission form.
Use the list of potential program tracks below, and the examples of session titles under each track, to start brainstorming.
Intellectual Property Management
How Agencies Decide Whether to Seek IP Protection for an Invention
AI and the Patent Process
T2 Agreements
CRADA Workshop
Licensing and Negotiation Workshop
How to Show a More Direct Return on Investment (ROI) and Tie Back to Labs’ Mission and Core Programs
Developing Your Staff Through Teaching
Marketing & Business Development
Marketing Tools for the TTO
Innovative Ways Labs/Agencies have Implemented Marketing Strategies
Legislative Changes
Best Practices for Small Agencies
Hot Topics
Inclusive Innovation
Legal Hot Topics
Industry/Federal Labs Partnerships
Cultivating an Entrepreneurial Culture in Federal Labs
Fostering Industry-University-Federal Lab Collaborations