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Dan Powers

NREL’s Johney Green Appointed Chairman of National GEM Consortium

Johney Green, associate laboratory director for Mechanical and Thermal Engineering Sciences at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), was appointed Chairman of The National GEM Consortium Board of Directors on July 18, 2022.

The National GEM Consortium is a 45-year-old national nonprofit organization whose vision is to make scientific impact through underrepresented minority STEM talent in the United States. GEM enhances the value of the nation’s human capital by increasing the participation of African Americans, American Indians, and Hispanic Americans at the master’s and doctoral levels in engineering and science.

At NREL, Green conducts research and development to enable technology innovations in the areas of energy efficiency, sustainable transportation, and renewable power. He oversees the transportation, buildings, wind, water, geothermal, advanced manufacturing, concentrating solar power, and Arctic research programs, which encompass a portfolio of over $200 million and more than 550 employees. Read the full announcement>>>>

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