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  • Dan Powers

The First Responder Network Authority’s Innovation Lab

Did You Know? The First Responder Network Authority’s (FirstNet Authority) tech headquarters in Boulder, Colorado include the FirstNet Innovation and Test Lab (FirstNet Lab) - a state-of-the-art laboratory in which the FirstNet Authority tests public safety functionality and features unique to the FirstNet network, including quality of service; priority; preemption; enhanced situational awareness technologies and applications; and future public safety functions, services and applications.

Located at FirstNet’s technical headquarters in Boulder, Colorado, the FirstNet Lab is a state-of-the-art laboratory in which the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet) and its future partner will test public safety functionality and features unique to FirstNet’s mission-critical broadband network, including quality of service; priority; pre-emption; and other future mission-critical services and applications. The FirstNet lab is a premier telecommunications technology innovation and test lab, built with the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) standards in mind.

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